Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The First Order


No not these Guys!

The Box from Black Site Studios.


The Basic box set contains two factions. First the Cosmonauts of  the C.C.C.P., the first space agency to engineer a zero-g vodka in a Capri-Sun container and to get a man to orbit the Earth. The second is N.A.S.A., Creators of Tang and the first to put MTV on the moon.

 This is the Package for the European Space Agency. Early space exploration was severely limited by the lack of stops provided by the The Eurail pass for anyone traveling outside of the 33 nations states settled on in 1959.


These two packages contain remote drones and probes for missions that by the time we are done playing will violate at least two of Asimov's Laws of Robotics. 

These are some 3d representations of objective/resource markers for game play. 

Because America, We can't go anywhere we don't have a car and a gun. 

The Chinese Space Agency, a group so secretive the package isn't even labeled! For all I know it maybe a dehydrates Ice Cream Bar.


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