Thursday, September 7, 2023

Chinese Lunar New Year

Lunar Tuesday this week started off with a new player engaged in resource gathering on the moon. , the first scenario in the first edition Lunar rules book. Player 3 will represent the CNSA in the ongoing campaign. 

CIA lunar report:
Brief hostilities broke out this week between a Soviet 3 man medical team and a Five man Chinese Taikonaut self proclaimed geology team. Sources claim they are engaged in espionage, in spite of Beijing still refusing to acknowledged any presence on the moon what so ever. NASA video surveillance recorded a no holds bared conflict for salvage rights over a newly scattered supply drop. Video shows the Cosmonauts deescalate the situation through hand signaling and compromise of the jettison materials. 
NASA reported to the Lunar Associate Press Science Editorial (LAPSE) this afternoon “ I’m not sure what the issue is with the CNSA? They know they’re there. We know they’re there. The Soviets know they are there. What’s the point of  sending a man to the moon and just not claiming the accomplishments?” 
Editor’s note: it has been brought to our attention that the Soviet team is composed of a 2 man and 1 woman team that is frequently mistaken for three men. 

Further reports of an Improvisational Joint Operation between CNSA and NASA teams working a newly exposed Wingnutium ore site went unconfirmed as communications interference disrupted the video feed from the mining site frustrating international intelligence agencies. 

Chinese Lunar New Year

Lunar Tuesday this week started off with a new player engaged in resource gathering on the moon. , the first scenario in the first edition ...