Wednesday, March 1, 2023




Black Site Studios recently produced the Game Lunar, a small unit, man to man combat system based on the realistic human nature to fight over territory monumentally symbolic but argumentatively worthless. The story behind the game is good. The Soviet Union wins the space-race to the moon and begins staking out territory, NASA, The E.S.A, and C.S.A. programs land shortly afterward and the scramble for resources and conflict soon arise.      

The basic set is perpetually on BACK-ORDER but if you can get a hold of a copy, you get two teams of EVA suited Cosmonauts & Astronauts, some counters, rules and proprietary dice. It's the best buy, considering the 5 man teams can be priced at nearly $40 USD. Cards represent characters and equipment to simplify team building. The play area is small, 2ft. X 2ft. and teams are generally less than 5 figures.   

So the Gimmick: All the supplemental units are packaged Like Astronaut Ice Cream Bars.


I can hear the chorus of Grognards out there now moaning about "campy packaging" and "over-priced figures", 32mm isn't their scale.... 

Well, In Space no one can here you grumble.  

I'm In.

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Chinese Lunar New Year

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