"Back to our regularly scheduled Moon Landing"
Location: Luna, Summum Tabulae Planae. (Table-Top Plain)
(Diplomatic addendum: Stella Artois is not actually the ESA Outpost official title. “Lunaire Artois” was the official outpost name but the NASA personnel lacking a skill in French improvised with something they could all remember.)
“The Kreeps”,
“The Kreeps”, the nick name of the NASA Geological team, named for the granular soil covering the surface of the moon & consequently their uniforms are generally an afterthought to the mission of the outpost. Producing breathable Oxygen, drinkable water, mining fusion powering Helium 3 and synthetic rocket fuel from the moon's resources is a little dull to the other high-profile mission personnel.
“Moon Patrol”
The “Moon Patrol” or “Crater Cops” is the unappealing name of the Roanoke Outpost’s Almost-Less-Than-lethal base security team. Mostly made fun of by the Lunar Assault team they are charged with keeping track of objects on the base that tend to walk off when no one is looking, like supplies, mining equipment, entire solar arrays and joyrides in the L.R.V 's to name a few. So far, the Security team is working on improving their safety record of nearly 86 hours without a serious injury.
The “Ninjaneers” are the base operations team, fix-it-men and serious nerds on the frontier. With a plethora of mathematical jokes and Star Trek references no one can tell outside of their team if they are serious about a problem or tech-splaining things just to appear busy to the rest of the crew. Known for their brutal poker games and obsession with hissing noises "these guys keep us from dying in our sleep" the captain justifies frequently.
"The Team"
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